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  1. State Overseer – We regret to inform you that Bishop Rob & Christal Bailey are unable to be here this morning, we will reschedule them in the near future.

  2. District Worship Service – District Worship Service today @ 4pm at the Gladewater Church. State Overseer, Bishop Rob and  Christal Bailey will be bringing the message at this meeting.

  3. Thanksgiving Basket: A basket is placed in the back of the sanctuary until November 10th, for non-perishable items.

  4.  Shoe Boxes: Romanian orphanage Christmas Shoebox project.   Forms to be placed on boxes are on the table at the back of   the  sanctuary. November 24th will be the deadline. For   questions, please see Carmen Antley.

  5.  Church Christmas Decorating -  Saturday Nov. 16th at 10am.

  6.  Women's Meeting: Sunday, November 17th , after the   morning worship.

  7.  Revival Service – Evangelist Bishop Brian Rayburn will be   preaching for us on Sunday December 8th. Please make plans   to be here.

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